So load everything and play Morrowind, learn the game and get an idea of what you are doing and what you will be required to do. It only took the first two I met about 30 seconds and 12 restore Health potions I couldn't even run away fast enough, I tried four times and then came back with my newest and most powerful save game character which was the same fighter at level 68 and this time I made minced onions out of the Goblin Army, the whole Army!!! YEA,I,B,BAD! Now as far as starting Tribunal, Wait until your level 25 or higher! Of the nine save games I have my very first save is a 5th level fighter and he lasted almost 20 min before the Goblins Ripped me to shreads.

When I bought Tribunal I had 24 saved games, 18 to 24 MODs added to Morrowind and it took 5 and 1/2 hours to load everything into Tribunals new Journal I thought I'd never be able to play but finally it stopped loading and that was only after deleteing 14 plus Game Saves, I still had 9 I couldn,t live without. With your level being so low at the start of Morrowind I don't think you will have more than 4 or 5 attacks from dark brotherhood members then you will have all the benifits of Tribunal

If you are just starting Morrowind and already own Tribunal, Then if I were you I would load Tribunal contend with the attacks of the Dark Brotherhood,the ones that attack in Morrowind are not that tough and you can get good money from their supplies and armor. In order to use the new journal you must have Tribunal active. I used the old journal all the time and wish I'd had the new one from the start.

Tribunal will be waiting for you anytime. Investigate the attacks to explore more of Tribunal,or continue on your current adventures - its up to you.

Based on your character's level,your sleep may be disturbed up to 9 times in a row. Talk to a guard to continue further in the quest. A journal entry will record what happened and the fisrt tribunal quest,Dark Brotherhood Attacks,will begin. Its stated in the install guide that Tribunal starts the first time you rest.