Launch the game and enjoy your customized interface. When prompted make sure to name the DEF_HUD.xml and save it to Data\interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_HUD.xml. Once you are satisfied with your customized HUD, press + to save. For instance you can turn off Enemy Markers on the Compass by toggling. Pressing the corresponding number will toggle that option On/Off. These elements will show properties numbered through. Pressing restores the element to default position, size and rotation. And finally, and rotate the element counter-clockwise and clockwise respectively. Holding and scrolling the mouse wheel will increase/decrease height of the element. Holding and scrolling the mouse wheel will increase/decrease the width of the element. You can move elements either by dragging them to a new position or using WASD. Top left corner of the tooltip shows the X,Y position of the element, then the X scale and Y scale (scale from default), and finally the rotation from default. In the tool, cursor over any element will show you properties of that element as well as some help dialog. Just drag and drop HUDMenuSet.swf onto flashplayer_20_sa.exe and it should automatically open your existing Data\interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_HUD.xml so you can continue customizing from there. There is a copy of Flash Player 20 included in DEF_HUD and should be located at Data\Interface\flashplayer_20_sa.exe. swf file and you won't be able to do all the customization and save the file properly. The web browsers do not properly interpret the. DO NOT open it with your default web browser. In order to customize DEF_HUD, open HUDMenuSet.swf with Flash Player. The customize file used by DEF_HUD is not required to make it run, but for customizing: Data\interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_INV_TAGS.xml (this is referenced by the Quick Container element for icon substitution).Data\interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_INV.xml (this is the DEF_INV settings, but parts are referenced by DEF_HUD even if DEF_INV isn't installed).Data\interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_HUD.xml (this contains the DEF_HUD settings).Data\interface\iconslibs2.swf (this contains all of the icons used by the Quick Container element).

Data\interface\HudMenu.swf (this is the main HUD interface file).This guide is indented to describe customizing DEF_UI first via the customize utilities, then via the xml files.ĭEF_HUD requires the following files for proper function (all files are in reference to your game folder): Credit To Mod Authors: Neanka, Valdacil, Old Nick, ParasiteX, and sekoms