So, the Replica battalion will be faced off against MJ12's full forces, instead of the scattered survivors of the nuke attack that JC Denton fought in the actual game.

The battlion consists of all Replica types (soldiers, elites, heavy armors, assassins, power armors, and the heavy minigunners and leviathans from the expansion pack) in numbers proportional to what appears in the FEAR game.įor Bob Page's part, he's recalled all MJ12 forces from around the world to Area 51 for his last stand. Instead, Armacham sends its Replica battlion (led by an off-site and non-insane psychic commander) in an all-out invasion of Area 51 in order to assassinate Page. JC Denton is out of commission, having slipped on a candy wrapper and hit his head on the Liberty Island pier. Bob Page is holed up inside Area 51, preparing to merge with Helios and immanentize the eschaton.